Matchmaker Matchmaker find me a catch it yourself ;)

1) Smile.
Even the ugliest girl in the world lights up when she smiles. Genuine smiles bring twinkles to eyes. And if you walk around randomly smiling imagine the looks you will get! Don't worry, they REALLY aren't thinking, "Wow...she's nuts." "What the heck is she smiling about." They are thinking, "Wow...she's got a great smile." And when the look around they are not trying to find what you are smiling at. They are trying to make sure no one else sees you so that you will be ALL theirs. :D Oh and they are definitely not looking at the strawberry seed stuck in between your two front teeth. Just think of that seed as smile enhancement. Smile on girlfriend!

2) Hair Toss
There is nothing better than a good hair toss. All you have to do is grab a tuft of hair...and then throw it out of your face. Let those locks flow loosely. It will drive a man nuts. Make sure you are grabbing your hair and not his. Oh and if you are grabbing his hair, you are either way too close for a hair toss or you are dating a guy with long hair. If that floats your boat go for it. I am not one for long hair though.

Speaking of long hair, the hair toss is especially effective if you have longer hair. However, do not toss your hair if the guy is two feet behind you and you have three feet of hair. That would make him hate you. No man wants a mouth full of hair. Neither would I. He might take it as a sign that you are telling him he needs more protein. No man wants to know his flaws right off the bat.

If you use Herbal Essence it makes the hair toss more fun. The smell radiates off it and permeates the whole room. I wonder if you drink Herbal Essence it will have the same effect...

3) Talk to him
It's ok. He won't bite. I promise. He looks scary. He looks like he will break you in half....with his eyes....but he can't. That would be unlawful. He'd go to jail. And if he is a good guy, he will be all for staying out of jail. Don't shake. If you start to shake your whole body will shake and then your voice will shake and then it will break and he will think you are singing to him. Just make little bits of eye contact and talk. Focus on him. Join in. Don't stutter. No one will understand a word you said.

Keep your knees don't want to faint. Do some random knee bends before talking to him. That is good. Pick up an invisible pen off the floor. Then go up and talk to him.

If you say something stupid...laugh...chances are he is not walking away thinking, "Wow...that was the worst conversation in the world." It is more like, "She can laugh at herself. That is self confidence."

Remember....breath...air is a good thing. Oxygen is your friend. Wait...slow down your breathing. Don't hyperventilate. You'll faint. Then they will take you to the ER and you will wake up fine. And then you REALLY feel like an idiot.

Honestly, ladies, do you really want to act like someone else for someone you like? Sure he might like you back but he really not like you. He will like the fake you. Then you have to act the whole time you are with him. It is way too much work. Hey if you are up for the challenge I guess you can go for it. I am lazy. I want the guy to like me for me. He doesn't have to like EVERYTHING about me. I am annoying. Everyone is to some extent. You get over it though.

Plus, do you really want to end up in a psych ward for something that you really don't have? If you end up suddenly changing from fake girl to real girl then you might be put there for sudden altered mental status, drug detox or sudden personality change.

5) Blushing is ok.
Girl, that is a natural response. Don't comment on it. It will make you redder. Oh and if someone else mentions it don't dwell on it. Oh and don't is did not get wind burn when the wind is blowing at negative 12 MPH outside. Just blush and be down with it. Try not to think about it. It will make you embarrassed and then you won't focus on the task at hand....interaction. DO NOT and I mean DO NOT tell him you are blushing. That is awkward. Furthermore, do not excuse yourself from interaction. Blushing is not an excuse. Your face starting on fire is an excuse. Blushing is not. Play it cool. Continue interaction. Then when the interaction is over, go hide.

6) Have fun
It is not everyday that you get to have your heart flutter and your knees quake. Butterflies in your stomach is an awesome feeling. Let it happen. Enjoy it. It is awesome. Even if it doesn't work out in the end, it was fun right?

Ok, so if it doesn't work out you are crushed and yeah it hurts. But it is ok. That is why it is called a crush right? There are like...a bazillion guys out there. Someone is bound to turn up and your crushing will start all over again.

So here's meeting people and trying out the techniques. Don't worry, I have tested them and they all work without fail.

Ok, actually I lied. I have not tested them. But nothing is saying that you can't! GO FOR IT! WOOO!! In any situation, happy dating. Go get 'em tiger...and all that jazz.
Till next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In one of his talks Father Corapi recommended that those women that cannot find a good man turn to...

Saint Anthony :)

"Oh Tony Tony
Find me a man.
Hurry hurry
as fast as you can!"