No White Wedding for a Magpie

"What did you dress like before you were married?"
"...I'm.....not married."
"Oh....I thought you were married and had kids."
"Nope. Not married. No kids."
"Oh because sometimes you have food on your shirt and I thought it was from the kids."

So if there is anything like oil and water it is Magpie and white. Funny considering the profession I chose: nursing. I seem to always mess up my white clothing.

For the past two times that I wore white pants to work, it rained. Yes, full out downpour. Both days I attempted to bring my car in as well to have a look over and check up. You know that cars need doctor appointments too. So the first time I was too late. If I had gone through with my car's check up, I would have been late for work. So I drove off and went to grab something to eat before work. I went to Potbelly's and then drove by a Starbucks.

Now, if you read the previous thread concerning coffee you will know my addiction to the black drink which one can consider a very sad one at that. Anyways, I digress, I was walking normally, not noticing the fact that there was a nice puddle in front of me. I had one goal in mind. Grab my fix for the day and head to work. My mind was focused on the task at hand. I tend to walk fast no matter where I am. Thus my steps are usually broad and my feet tend to plop at times onto the ground. One step, two step, three step...SPLASH! My pants became soaked from my foot to my knee. I stopped in the middle of the parking lot. Rain was pouring down on my head because I am just that anti-umbrella. So basically as I stood there I was becoming more and more wet. Aw, Man! What was I going to do. There was no time for me to go back home to change my pants so I was going to have to stick it out. No worries, I still get my fix!!! I ordered my coffee and went to work. I did have a huge splash mark on my pants though. It did dry....eventually.

The next week, I again attempted to bring my car to get it looked at. This time I got out early enough in order to have it looked at. On the way to work, I had a few minutes so I stopped at DSW. Again, parking lot. Again, rain. Again, puddles. THIS time....I was more careful at what I was doing. Unfortunately, the bottom of my pants and the fronts were spotted with rain marks. Nice. At least my car is healthy and I have a new pair of nice Mudd heel Mary Janes. Nice. :)

Yesterday....not a good day for the Mags. I decided that I was going to make a pretty day out of it. I put my white scrub top on and my pink pants to match. I walked out the door. I got into my car. Everything was great until I went to get my fix. This time I went to Dunkin' Donuts. Coconut coffee with cream and sugar. MMMMmmmmmm oh oh oh sooo sooo soooo good!!! I drank it the whole way. I enjoyed the creamy sensation as it slide across my tongue and down my throat. I took the cup from my relaxed face to notice that there were drips on the edge of the cup. I didn't think of it. I took another gulp and again, drips. What was this about. Then my mad critical thinking skills came into play. I just dumped coffee on myself. Twice. I look down and on my white top are three large and totally out there spots of brown. So Magpie took an unannounced unplanned trip to the Walgreens store to pick up Tide Marker Spot cleaner and also Shout Wipes. Knowing myself for the past 24 years made me think that two products might just be better than one. Luckily the Tide Marker to Go helped a great deal and my scrub top was white. Well, it was almost white. It has some pen marks on it from the pen being my pocket. I guess I should bleach it. It might help a bit. Oh and it seems to be a little less white since I've been wearing it. Maybe bleach is in the order next time I wash it.

So I am seeing a pattern. Can you? White and I just don't get along. It is nothing against white. I love the fact that it looks clean and pure. However, after I wear it, I ruin the pureness and whiteness and beauty. So I decided that white and I will never be. It is something that I have come to terms with. I began to mourn the fact that I and white will never be the team that I wish to be.

This is will make my wedding day quite difficult. During my short period of mourning, I realized that my wedding day will be quite difficult.

I get all dressed up in my white. The dress probably looks great.....or ridiculous. I haven't really put that much thought into it. Anyway, it is white. So I have this white dress and I am wearing it. I decide before the ceremony that I am hungry. Being my wedding day and it has to be the best day ever, I want a hot dog with mustard and relish. My mom will speak words of wisdom to me which of course, me being stubborn I do not listen. So to compromise, my mom attempts to speak wise words to me again: "Wear at least a napkin or an apron." I comply resorting to only a thin flimsy napkin. Of course my wedding gown is to the floor. I think. Well, anyway, the mustard spill onto the hem of the skirt. Which of course is decorated because it has to be. I think. In mad rush everyone attempts to use everything under the sun to clean up the bright yellow spot on the bottom of the dress.






"We don't have hydrogen peroxide....."


Ok, so the mustard gets a good Polish lick to the napkin and futile wipe attempt.

The organ music starts and everyone rushes to the back of the church. For some reason my shoe insists on sticking to the bottom back of the dress. I have no idea why. Soon the whole train is wrapped around my right leg and I go down. Veil flying, flowers crushed, I land smack down on my face. Dad, laughing, helps me up. We both notice that my shoe had a wad of gum on it that is now firmly attached to the train. Unknowingly to the tragedy that occurred, everyone lines up and one by one they make their way down the center aisle to the front.

I stand up next to Dad, crushed flowers in tow, and begin my own journey. My white dress is now slightly dirty from the fall, the flowers are bent up, a yellow mustard stain on the hem and now the middle carpet thing that was rolled out is stuck to the gum. It is pulled behind me as I travel to the front of the church. Everyone looks in horror at the trailing carpet. I don't even recognize it. I am just all smiles because I am so excited. So I make it to the front and the ceremony goes as planned. Well, except the face of my fiance. I didn't really expect to see that sort of look on his face. I can understand a look of fear, a look of joy, but honestly, the look of repulsion is too much to take.

However, the pre-wedding events are nothing compared to the reception. The reception does not go well. Food is a huge hit with Magpie. Of course, it must be a Polish/Irish wedding so we will have Guinness and spaghetti. And Perogis. Can't forget that. So I am sitting and eating. Again, mom, who is the intelligent one of the family, strongly suggests that I wear an apron. I decline saying that I don't want to embarrass myself in front of the family. I begin to swirl the creamy goodness on my fork only to realize that in the process, the sauce has splashed all over the bodice of my dress. No worries, maybe someone will think that I spray painted the front of my dress with red splatters. Makes perfect sense to me.

"Magpie," my new spouse says to me, "What did you do to the front of your dress?"
My brother just sits there and shakes his head.
"I think it is spaghetti..." I respond

So white is just not my friend. Although I do wear some white tops. I actually have three. I feel sorry for those tops. As far as my wedding maybe I should reconsider the whole white wedding dress. Not that I considered it in the first place. But seeing my current relationship with white clothing, maybe I should get something like, red, or blue, or black or purple. Purple is good. Purple it is. Purple wedding dress for Magpie.



Anonymous said...

Lol! That's hilarious. I can kinda' relate... maybe that's why I always wear earth tones. Partly because it might look good on me, for sure. (And even saintly *wink*) But also partly out of necessity.

Hey, a purple wedding dress would look lovely! I wanna see pictures when that day comes :)

However a white dress would make the wedding cake that would inevitably end upon your front much less noticeable.

Iacobus said...

You didn't tell me you updated. Or you did and I didn't listen.

Actually, I don't listen to about 3/4 of what people say. I am going to be an amazing MD.

So you make me click by mistake on this when I was trying to check my campus email. Sure, nothing exciting was going on there either... but whatever.

I would suggest a wet suit and then three inches of spaghetti wrapped with a clear plastic on the outside so that way when you spill on yourself it will just blend in... spaghetti camo.

That of just the wet suit. Spill something on it? Pressure wash it off. Brilliant.

Seems I have a blogger account. In Swedish. Always fun.