Kick your heels together three times...

...and pray you don't fall.

There is nothing like growing 4 inches magically with the help of your best pair of heels. Considering that today was "Wear Heel Day" in Magpie's world, I decided that today's blog post will be dedicated to them.

My first pair of heels actually came from asking my dad. I was nervous. I don't know why I was nervous. I guess it was one rite of passage that I was afraid of asking my parents for the key. So I turned to dad for help.



"Could I have a pair of high heels?"

So off shopping we went. Mom, Dad and I went to a bunch of different stores. I guess you could call me picky but I had a particular look in my head. I knew that pointed toes would not work for me. I would look ridiculous. It had to be square toed or rounded. Also, the heel had to be chunky. I knew there would be no way I could balance myself on a tiny little heel. Finally I could not see spending triple digits for a pair of shoes. So finding my style in my price was a tad bit hairy. But finally I found them. There they stood on the clearance rack. Plain. Black. Shiny. Square. Awesome. My first pair of black pumps.

Years later, after I learned to walk somewhat normal, I found that heels could be pretty and actually fun. So I began finding other pretty heels to wear. I fell in love with Willy Wonka's shoes from Charlie and the Chocolate factory. I liked the way they looked: the chunky heel, the toe, the style was just funky enough for me. After a long search, I found them. They were on sale at Carson Pierre Scott. I bought them and they are still considered my Willy Wonkas.

It recently became more and more difficult to find shoes that fit my funky style. I would go to DSW just to browse. I then came across a brand that fits me to a T. Mudd shoes really does fit my funky attitude with its modern take on classic looks. Wing tip Mary Janes with a chunky heel? Yes! I love it.

For graduation, I for some reason had to get shoes to match the dresses I was wearing. I don't really understand that except for the fact that when I am wearing a spring time bright colored dress, my regular black heels won't do. Off to DSW with mom. Found shoes to match the dress (again, Mudd brand) and collection is complete.

Then my old black heels started to show years of wear and tear :( I still have them hoping to salvage what I can of them. But I did manage to somewhat replace them with another Mudd shoe that is just as professional. So. There we have it. No more shoes for me :)

Now, you'd think that after 11 years of heels, I'd be a professional at walking in them. Or at least somewhat decent. Nope. Although I haven't fallen, I have tripped, slipped, and twisted over a dozen times. Hilarious for some, embarrassing for me. It is sad when you have to give yourself a pep talk as you walk across a stage.

"Ok, Magpie, don't screw this one up. Walk tall, straight, and pretend like you don't have heels."
*first step is taken*
"Ok, new game plan. Realize that there are an extra 2 inches on your heel."
*second step*
", try to not clack so much."
*third step*
"Um, don't look so goofy"

Lets just thank God that I get to wear gym shoes to work everyday :)


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