Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink.

So today I went swimming. Unlike most of my swim times, I decided to ponder on the water I was swimming in. I came to realize again that my favorite property is the property of water. Yep, good ole' H2O. Why other property of the world is as diverse and awesome?

Without water, you could die. It is essential to keeping the body functioning. Dehydration could send you to the hospital. Which, if unless it is a way to see me, I would rather you not go to the hospital. Being dehydrated is not fun. You feel all gross on the inside. Whenever I haven't gotten my daily dose of H2O orally, I can imagine my poor tiny cells all shirveled up and screaming for relief. Then I can imagine them sighing with joy as I splash some water down my throat.

My favorite part of water is the playfullness of it. I think this is why I like swimming so much. I am weightless in water. I love being able to split it with my hand just to see it join back together. It is so easy for me to imagine all the little water molecules laughing as my hand push them foward in a gentle curling wave.

Water is so graceful. It ripples and it drops in with such beauty. I think this is why I like to be outside in the rain. I love the feeling of the drops on my face as I look up at the grey sky. It is like a shower that washes both my skin and my soul. I love watching the rain fall onto the ground and puddle into nature mirrors that reflect the world around me.

It is so diverse. On hot days, there is nothing like sucking on an ice cube or putting said ice cubes in a tall glass of water. When I have a cold and my nose hurts like no other, warm steam from water soothes it. There is nothing like walking outside in the foggy mist. The clouds that descend from the sky are refreshing and add mystery to my day.

So water, here's to you. You are just awesome. I really do believe that you are my favorite element here on earth. I know that without you I would totally not survive. Thank you.
