Yeah...I really am not muscular like that one guy. I think that people took that the wrong way...I really do not look like that. lol...but I could scale a mean well wall ;)
*angelic voices*
Random Question of the blooooooggggg!
*end angelic voices*
What is the best part of being a girl?
Oh wow. Best part? I don't know if there is a "best" part...maybe bests part. I mean best partS.
Considering I am a girl, and girls have the rap of being complicated, did you expect a straight answer? Well even if you disagree with the complicated question because I am Magpie and as Magpie, everything is complicated. Even if it is a simple task I make it much more complicated.
For example, decision making. Making a decision should be easy right? Well, I guess it depends on the decision. For me even the simplest easiest decision is made complicated by my random mind.
"Should I wear red or blue today? Well I could wear red. Red looks good on me. But blue is my favorite color. I love blue. Wait, what do I have going on today? Should I wear blue? Is something special going on? Does the red make me look fat? I don't want to look fat. I should wear blue because it will make me feel pretty. But later this week I am going out with friends. I should wear red today and save the blue for later this week. I really want to wear blue today though....ok I'll wear yellow."
Complicated? Yes I guess so.
I guess I should list this out to make it a little less complicated
1. Variety of clothing
Yes, only girls can decide to wear a skirt or dress or to wear pants. Men cannot do so. If they did it would be weird and their masculinity is questionable. This can also be a curse though. At least for me. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to match clothes. There is too much to think about. Which color matches which color. What pattern can go with another. Purse with with earrings, underwear to eyes. All the rules are crazy. But at least we have the option of picking the different types and genres of clothing.
Getting free stuff
You walk into a store and they all have samples for you to try. Just try walk in too Marshall Field's in Chicago and if you look worthy enough all the makeup people want you to try free samples. It is really cool...although it hasn't happened to me yet I am waiting for the day.
Wait, does that mean that I am not worthy? Or does that mean that I do not look like girl? :sadder: Or does that mean that I don't look old enough? Maybe I look too poor to afford anything at the store :thinking: yeah. That's it :) Ok...back to the list
STILL PART OF 2) another free thing you get is samples in the mail. if you are a girl who never got free samples in the mail then you aren't living!! ^.^ Go to Then go to IN STORES NOW. Then scroll down to FREE samples. Sign up and wall laa! Free samples in the mail! Right now their free samples consist of depends, deodorant, perfume wipees, and cheerios :) It is pretty sweet. You also get free samples from DHC THE BEST SKIN CARE PRODUCTS OUT THERE! Sign up for their catalogue and you too will get hooked :)
3) Capability to feel and show emotion:
Now before all I get all the men all mad at me. You guys do have the capability to feel and show emotion. Yet I believe that women have it a little easier. If we cry, if we show some love, we do not have to worry about being manly or looking girly in front of their friends. We are girls. I think too that by the very nature of being a girl we are more sensitive to the feeling within ourselves. Now before everyone gets into a tizzy about that comment just think for a moment. As being a girl, we grow into women, and thus have the capability to have children. We have by the very fact of being a women a nurturing disposition. Which makes a great segway into my next topic:
4) Capability to have babies
Here is where Magpie might get a little sappy on you. The capability of having babies is one of the best parts to being a girl. Men mos def cannot do this. No matter how much science tries to mess with it...they just can't. This part makes all the pains of being a girl so much better. Now, I never had a baby. But I have a huge family so I remember my little brothers being born. I did my OB rotation where I saw actual live births. I see newborns in Church. I see toddlers at the beach. Children are everywhere. When I see a pregnant woman, I wonder what it would be like. When I have my first baby it is going to be so cool. Mind you yes, I know all the "horrible" things that go with childbirth...the stretch marks, the pain, the weight gain, the fact that I will probably end up on bed rest according to my teacher. But to me that doesn't matter. Don't think I am weird but I honestly cannot wait to feel my baby's first kick inside of me. My baby and I will have a bond that cannot be shared with anyone else. I will give my baby all she/he needs within me. To be entrusted with such a huge responsibility is so totally mind blowing for me that I cannot comprehend it. Women are given this by God: to care for the most innocent of the world. So totally awesome. And then when they are born, they are entrusted to be cared for by us. Of course my husband will hopefully help in child rearing, but many times it is the mother that the child runs to for kisses on their boo boos and when they are hungry. I can only hope that God will entrust the care of one of his little ones to me someday. I promise to try to be the best mother I can. With the help of my future spouse (who ever you are...), I will keep that promise.
My sappy moment is finished.
All in all being a girl is not half bad. No it is pretty great. But I have to say. That is the hardest question I have had to answer thus far. It was really difficult to wrap my fingers around stuff that was the best part of being a girl.
Well until next time my friends!