Yeah...I really am not muscular like that one guy. I think that people took that the wrong way...I really do not look like that. lol...but I could scale a mean well wall ;)

*angelic voices*
Random Question of the blooooooggggg!
*end angelic voices*

What is the best part of being a girl?

Oh wow. Best part? I don't know if there is a "best" part...maybe bests part. I mean best partS.

Considering I am a girl, and girls have the rap of being complicated, did you expect a straight answer? Well even if you disagree with the complicated question because I am Magpie and as Magpie, everything is complicated. Even if it is a simple task I make it much more complicated.

For example, decision making. Making a decision should be easy right? Well, I guess it depends on the decision. For me even the simplest easiest decision is made complicated by my random mind.

"Should I wear red or blue today? Well I could wear red. Red looks good on me. But blue is my favorite color. I love blue. Wait, what do I have going on today? Should I wear blue? Is something special going on? Does the red make me look fat? I don't want to look fat. I should wear blue because it will make me feel pretty. But later this week I am going out with friends. I should wear red today and save the blue for later this week. I really want to wear blue today though....ok I'll wear yellow."

Complicated? Yes I guess so.

I guess I should list this out to make it a little less complicated

The Best Parts of Being a Girl.

1. Variety of clothing

Yes, only girls can decide to wear a skirt or dress or to wear pants. Men cannot do so. If they did it would be weird and their masculinity is questionable. This can also be a curse though. At least for me. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to match clothes. There is too much to think about. Which color matches which color. What pattern can go with another. Purse with shoes...shoes with earrings, underwear to eyes. All the rules are crazy. But at least we have the option of picking the different types and genres of clothing.

Getting free stuff

You walk into a store and they all have samples for you to try. Just try it...you walk in too Marshall Field's in Chicago and if you look worthy enough all the makeup people want you to try free samples. It is really cool...although it hasn't happened to me yet I am waiting for the day.

Wait, does that mean that I am not worthy? Or does that mean that I do not look like girl? :sadder: Or does that mean that I don't look old enough? Maybe I look too poor to afford anything at the store :thinking: yeah. That's it :) Ok...back to the list

STILL PART OF 2) another free thing you get is samples in the mail. if you are a girl who never got free samples in the mail then you aren't living!! ^.^ Go to http://www.walmart.com/ Then go to IN STORES NOW. Then scroll down to FREE samples. Sign up and wall laa! Free samples in the mail! Right now their free samples consist of depends, deodorant, perfume wipees, and cheerios :) It is pretty sweet. You also get free samples from DHC THE BEST SKIN CARE PRODUCTS OUT THERE! Sign up for their catalogue and you too will get hooked :) http://www.dhccare.com/

3) Capability to feel and show emotion:

Now before all I get all the men all mad at me. You guys do have the capability to feel and show emotion. Yet I believe that women have it a little easier. If we cry, if we show some love, we do not have to worry about being manly or looking girly in front of their friends. We are girls. I think too that by the very nature of being a girl we are more sensitive to the feeling within ourselves. Now before everyone gets into a tizzy about that comment just think for a moment. As being a girl, we grow into women, and thus have the capability to have children. We have by the very fact of being a women a nurturing disposition. Which makes a great segway into my next topic:

4) Capability to have babies

Here is where Magpie might get a little sappy on you. The capability of having babies is one of the best parts to being a girl. Men mos def cannot do this. No matter how much science tries to mess with it...they just can't. This part makes all the pains of being a girl so much better. Now, I never had a baby. But I have a huge family so I remember my little brothers being born. I did my OB rotation where I saw actual live births. I see newborns in Church. I see toddlers at the beach. Children are everywhere. When I see a pregnant woman, I wonder what it would be like. When I have my first baby it is going to be so cool. Mind you yes, I know all the "horrible" things that go with childbirth...the stretch marks, the pain, the weight gain, the fact that I will probably end up on bed rest according to my teacher. But to me that doesn't matter. Don't think I am weird but I honestly cannot wait to feel my baby's first kick inside of me. My baby and I will have a bond that cannot be shared with anyone else. I will give my baby all she/he needs within me. To be entrusted with such a huge responsibility is so totally mind blowing for me that I cannot comprehend it. Women are given this by God: to care for the most innocent of the world. So totally awesome. And then when they are born, they are entrusted to be cared for by us. Of course my husband will hopefully help in child rearing, but many times it is the mother that the child runs to for kisses on their boo boos and when they are hungry. I can only hope that God will entrust the care of one of his little ones to me someday. I promise to try to be the best mother I can. With the help of my future spouse (who ever you are...), I will keep that promise.

My sappy moment is finished.

All in all being a girl is not half bad. No it is pretty great. But I have to say. That is the hardest question I have had to answer thus far. It was really difficult to wrap my fingers around stuff that was the best part of being a girl.

Well until next time my friends!


So much for the extended trip...me and my teeth are stuck.

Well, after reading my last blog over because I am my own biggest fan ^.^ <_<>OH MY GOSH! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!? THEY ARE GOING TO INJECT THE ROOF OF MY MOUTH WITH GINORMOUS NEEDLE AND THEN THEY ARE GOING TO DRILL UNTIL THEY REACH THE MIDDLE OF MY TOOTH. I can't believe I have a cavity. What did I do wrong???? Alright, chill...you aren't the first person to have a cavity. You won't be the last. Heck this probably won't be the last cavity for you either. Yeah...I guess i all goes down hill from here.
"...just to let you know you take excellent care of your teeth. It is just the fact that it is way back there and it is hard to keep those clean."-Nice Dentist Lady

"So I just need to make an appointment?"-Me

My face was numb for half a day and I looked so stupid when I smiled. ;)

I had my wisdom's pulled a couple of years ago. Wonderful excitement. :)

Question number 2:

If your whole body were a hot air balloon, would you stop eating spicy food?

:unsure: hmmmmm...uh....er.....no lame question NEXT

You're trapped in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape.

A goat ^_^ and a slinky ^_^ this mos def spells trouble for Magpie. I can like think of a million things to do with a goat and a slinky.

One time my family went to Santa's Village. It was my mom and then us 6 kids. It was the hottest day of the year. But we all had a blast. We visited drunk Santa, licked the germy ice pole that every other kid licked and touched with nasty hands (YUMMY!) and then visited the goats.

Those goats pretty much followed us everywhere. We tried to escape but they just followed us. They freaked my little brother out. Gregory, my oldest-little brother, became the goat god and attracted them all away while we escaped. Awesomeness to have a goat god in the family.

Alright, so a well huh? I wonder how deep the well was. The well we had was like maybe 5 feet down. Of course it was deeper but the pump was five feet down. But a well is quite deep to get to water. I often wondered how people dug their wells in the old times. Like before cell phones or any telephones for that matter. I wonder if they had a ladder.

Or like in Moses's day. How did they dig their well so deep to find water? I know! Maybe that is where the whole "dig to China thing started..."

*Travel back in Time*
"Minest Son."
"Yesest Father."
"Did thou knowst that if thou dig deepest in the sand that thou will find an exotic country unlike the one thou livest in now?"
"No, Father! What isest its name?"
"It is calledth China."
"China? I want to find this country that thou speaketh of."
"Then dig my son. Digeth in the dirt and thou shall find it."

*Fast Forward to the future*

You know what....that's an idea. Dig my way out of the well! Dig all the way to China! I can employ the goat to help. I would have to make the goat want to dig though. Maybe I could show him by example or something. Like start digging myself. I mean, I'll have to dig anyway. I can't just sit back while my goat digs for me.

I should name my goat. Let's see...I could name him something devilish considering Jesus said that goats are going to hell. However, I love my goat. I should name him something nice. I wonder if it would be a boy goat or a girl goat. I guess I should pick both out just in case. hmmmm....as a boy I should name him, Guthrey. As a girl I should name ner Nancy. I guess I could always go with a neutral name like....Frappachino. That would work. So my goat's name is Frappachino. Frapp for short.

^_^ So Frapp and I are on a mission to dig for China. Well after about 5 feet we'd probably get hungry. At least I would. I could feed the goat the slinky for energy but I can't eat slinkies. I could eat my goat. But then I would cry because I love my little Frapachino... :tears: And then what would I do when I reached the middle of the earth? I heard it is hot in there. Plus, what if I am already in China? How do I dig to China if I am already in a well in China. That would totally defeat the purpose.

Ok. So digging is out. Frapp and I and slinky is still stuck in the well. I am assuming that screaming is out of the question. That would make this all too easy. Furthermore, that is boring. So let's continue with the creativity shall we?

I could take the slinky and throw it up and hopefully it will attach to something.

Slinkies are so entertaining. I love holding it in my hands and rocking it back and forth so that all the slinks go back and forth. Walking it down the stairs are also entertaining. And it makes a good yo yo for those who cannot yo yo. Metal ones are the best. I've had a few plastic ones but those are just no fun. No fun at all. Plus they break pretty easily. I like the metal ones. They make that cool sound too.

So hopefully the slinky will grab on to something. If it would then I would grab Frapp: either on my shoulders to use two hands or under an arm so then I use one hand. I think I should do over the shoulder because I am better with two hands. Frapp better cooperate and not do something stupid like kick around. Or else when we get up to the top of the well, I am going to cook and eat Frapp. Or blend him and drink him. That might be gross but at least when I tell people that I am drinking a Frappachino it might be more believable.

Wait...do you know how sometimes when you try to get a slinky to go down some steps it will retract back up onto itself? What if that happens? What if the slinky then makes it up out of the well and then stays up there without coming back down? :tears: It would abandon us... Sad pandas.

Let's see. I can throw Frapp up out of the well and have him get someone. Yeah...I'd take the time to train the goat and then train him to find someone and then drag the person back to me. Or... I could tie the slinky to his neck, throw him up, and then someone is going to wonder why a slinky is around a goat's neck right? But what if I hit someone with Frapp? Frapp might get injured. Therefore I would not put Frapp through such trauma.
Ok...new plan.

How about I tie the goat' legs up with the slinky. I will take one end of the slinky and Frapp will be on the other end. I will then put the end of the slinky that I have into my mouth and free climb the side of the well. Then when I reach the top I will pull up Frapp. Then we will live happily ever after in the world.

Yeah, that would work. Especially since I look like this:

Once out of the well though I'd be very very muddy. So I would shower and look clean and sparkly. Then I would give Frapp a shower. Boy after that experience Frapp and I would be like best of buds. I would give him a huge hug. We'd be famous for living in a well and escaping under adverse conditions.

Well I guess I got out of the well...wait a second. Reading back, I didn't even use the goat or the slinky in the end. I just used my brute strength. Awesome. I am woman...hear me roar...ROAR!!!!

Magpie ^.^

Chicago, chicago that toddling town, Chicago, Chicago I'll show you around-I love it.


Chicago, chicago that toddling town
Chicago, chicago Ill show you around - I love it
Bet your bottom dollar youll lose the blues in chicago
The town that billys sunday could not shut down

On state street that great street I just want to say
They do things that they dont do on broadway - say
They have the time the time of their life
I say a man and he danced with his wife
In chicago, my home town

Ole' Blue eyes steals the words right out of my open mouth.

Well, I just love Chicago. I love the feeling I get when I step out of the train station, look up at the sky and see all the buildings and hear all the traffic noises. I see the hustle and bustle and it is just so cool. Every corner is a Walgreens. Every corner is a Starbucks. Every corner is a McDonalds. THe lake, the parks, everything. I love it all. I wish every single one of you could experience the way I experience it.

So I thought that I would today put a tour guide do's and don'ts for you guys.

I would say your best bet is the train. Otherwise, in driving you might hit traffic. Then your journey to the city will be longer than anticipated because some duck decided to cross the highway, build a nest in the 3rd lane and have some babies there. Or that a garbage truck decided that it fell in love with a semi truck. Not cool. Plus you have to spend money to park. Geez, $20...nuts. One time, I went to Navy pier. I spent $20 to park. Ended up staying for only 5 minutes. Craziness. Plus to park in the city is setting your self up for trouble.

One time someone was parking and the way they knew that they were ok in the parallel parking spot was to hit the car in front and then behind and then hit the one in front again. No worth it. Totally not worth it.

So my advice, take a train, bus or walk...

Now, if you are walking downtown with me, be assured of a good stretch of the legs...literally. I pretty much speedwalk the whole time. City walk, I call it. It is fun to walk around dodging the crowds. Kinda like a game...make it to the lake without knocking anyone over or getting knocked over. Awesomeness.

When at crosswalks, you can do one of two things. If you are a professional crosswalker like me you can look both ways and cross regardless of if the little white dude is lit up. Or you can be normal and just wait until it is safe to cross AKA when the little white dude pops up. Or you can just run across the street. I don't suggest that unless you want a one way ticket to Northwestern Hospital ;)

There are grates on the sidewalks of Chicago. I always walk over them or around them. I suggest you do the same. Don't walk on them. Never trust them. I mean seriously people. What if you fall through it? What if they break? What then? You will fall and break a leg or something. Not cool. And some of them are deep. I always walk around them. If there is no other option, I'll jump over them. One time here was this real huge one and there was no way to get around it. I had to cross it twice: once going to the lake and once coming back. So, I went on the building's edge. That was pretty easy. I just wouldn't take your life into your hands like that. But that is my suggestion.

Dressing is an important thing to do right. Wear something comfortable. Do not walk around dowtown in these:

or these:

your feet will look like this:

Wear something comfortable seriously.

Windy city=unpredictable weather. Dress in layers if it is a transitional season.

Winter: dress like this:

In the summer dress like this:

Just kidding...you can dress normal.



It will always ALWAYS and FOREVER be Marshall Fields. Not Macy's....ever.... THE END. ALPHA AND OMEGA....done.

Soldier's Field
Home of the best football team in the Nation. :P Packers eat your heart out...at least WE have bears...not men who pack raw bloody cold gross meat. How pathetic...Packers <_<>Millenium Park
I have heard so many concerts there. Very cool structural design. The bridge is totally boss. My dream is to slide down the bridge. But there are always security guards up and about. Secretly knowing my plot....they follow me around....creepy. They have their night sticks. I tend not to mess with them. And they also have those wheely two wheeled bikes standing things. They would zip me right over.

Plus they have :o :o THE BEAN!!!!!


The most useless structure ever...BUT SOOOOOOOOOO COOOL!

I once kissed the bean. It was so beautiful. It is all shiny and globular and reflecty. It reflects the whole skyline. And you. Awesomeness.

Water Tower Place
It is the only place that survived the Chicago fire....except for the rivers. But if you think about it. The water in the river is different than the water that ran in the past. Or is it????

If the water evaporated...rained down in Wisconsin and then flowed through Chicago then technically it could be the same water, couldn't it be?

Well then, we have come to a conclusion. Or at least I have. The river water and the Water Tower in Chicago both survived the Chicago Fire. Awesome. I want to drink that water now. Maybe I could survive fire then.

I think that is all for now...let me know if you guys are coming up to Chicago. I'll show you around :))


HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD!!!! <_< Just don't eat my candy apple

In tribute for Father's Day:

So you want to ride the roller coaster how do you keep your dad from eating your candy apple while you are gone?

Candy Apple? Oh this is easy. Dad doesn't like candy apples!!! HA! I win. Hmmmm....but I am really not in the mood for a candy apple right now. Let's think of something else...chocolate? Cookies? French Silk Pie? Well I guess I have to keep with the whole amusement park theme. I am sure you can't go up to some booth and say,
"Can I help you?" -Booth man
"Yes, one slice of devilish French Silk Pie on a stick please." -Me

Hmmm....ice cream? OH!!! How about frozen custard. oops...I had to wipe some drool. Frozen Custard Chocolate style...oooohhhh yeah :cool: With hardened chocolate shell. On a cone. Now I would dig that.

One time on a trip, it was to World Youth Day in Canada, a friend and I decided to get ice cream because it was really hot. So we went to a person and we got fudge pops. They were good. But they melted like the Wicked Witch of the West. By the time we got back it was all over my face and hands and shirt. I was like a 3 year old kid. At least looking back I laugh pretty hard.

Back to the frozen custard. Yeah, Dad would dig it pretty well. I think that I would have to really come up with something so that I could ride the roller coaster. I wonder which one it is.

Wait, what amusement park is it? I mean if it is like one of those stupid roller coasters for little kids, the little dragon ones in the fair rides...yeah I would totally ride that. The dragon is SO cool. The first plunge freaks me out. Anyways, let's make it a Six Flags Park. Yeah, Gurney Mills Six Flags. They have so many awesome rides. I would go on anyone of them!! Let's say that I am going to go on Raging Bull. Yeah that sounds good.

Someday I want to go to Bush Gardens. That would be wild. Their rides look so boss. :woot:

"Dad could you hold my delicious, devilish, sinful frozen custard while I get in line for Raging Bull?" -Me
"Oh of course, Magpie. My pleasure." -Dad
"hmmmm...wait...I need to lick it all over before I give it to you."-Me
"Uh, you know part of your spit came from me."-Dad

Alright so the classic spit thing won't work. I mean it would work on my siblings. It is kinda survivor mode here. You want the cookie with the chocolate and marshmallow? You better lick it to claim it. Kinda like a dog marking his territory...only with your spit. Usually no one will touch it unless they are really desperate. You also have to like take inventory of your candy every Easter/Christmas so that you know what you "own" and who you gave stuff to and what you ate. That way you know if someone's stealing from you.

Let's see...what would gross dad out....well, gross stuff
-Airplane pillows
-Silence of the Lambs
-Matisyashu and Folk Music

Airplane pillows and Frozen Custard:
What is gross about airplane pillows is the fact that people use them and then reuse them from flight to flight. So you get the next person's head lice, drool, ear wax, tears, snot, vomit all over your hair. Then when you leave, the stewardess shakes it out, fluffs it up and sticks it in the overhead compartment. Yummy ^.^

I never could sleep on airplanes anyway. Wait, I lied. On the way back from Germany three summers ago, I was sitting next to this cute guy from somewhere and this Greek couple from Greece. The cute guy really didn't say anything. The Greek couple were like grandparents. I didn't talk to them. But, during the flight I fell asleep. Then I woke up and the Greek woman was like, "Eat. You need to eat. You slept. You didn't get food." I said, "Oh thanks, Ok." Very sweet lady. I was kinda glad I had someone watching out for me on the trip. At least for the eight hours. I mean, what if I got stolen or something? Greek man and lady would help me :) But anyways, Yeah I asked for food. I really wasn't hungry but I got this plate and it had fish, and bread and butter and some vegetable and then custard..

Oh yeah custard. Frozen custard. I guess I could obviously drool all over my frozen custard. That might be a little more gross than actual licking. Licking only produces a little bit of spit. Drool is like a bucket full of spit. That on frozen custard all yummy and delicious probably wouldn't be so yummy and delicious anymore. Yeah probably a pretty good turn off. However, I don't know how appetizing it would be for me to go back to eat my frozen drool off a frozen custard after it sat there for my entire roller coaster ride. Hmm, yeah I'll skip it.

Surgery and Frozen Custard:
Oh yeah!!! I LOVE SURGERY!!! IT MEANS SOMETHING HEALTH RELATED LOVE IT! :love: Dad does not like surgery. At all. One time I was watching open heart surgery and dad and my brother had to leave the room. It was great. Blood and guts and surgery and concentration and sweat and drama. It is great. I love to see tv surgeries or all those medical shows on TV. Those are great. Trauma life in the ER is so totally awesome. All the blood and guts are real. :D :D :D :D

Let's see...blood and guts on frozen ice cream? :unsure: hmmm....probably not a good idea to do at an amusement park...but...it does lead to the next topic.

Holy cow this movie is creepy. Creepy as all get out. The angles of the photography is nuts. I love it. I couldn't watch it with the lights off. But enough about me watching the film...Dad said that he couldn't sleep for the night after he watched it.

Silence of the Lambs....frozen custard.....I could put a moth in the custard. That would really get anyone away from my custard. Or I could put a lamb chop on there. Or a picture of Hannibal Lector. THAT would be creepy. Or I could get Hannibal Lector to hold it for me. That would be cool. Then NO ONE would touch my ice cream and he wouldn't have a taste for it :) Unless there was blood and guts on there. That might attract him to it.

Matisyashu and Folk Music
My brain is starting to fry. I am not sure how to mix Matisyashu and Folk Music together with frozen custard. Maybe, if I got Matisyashu to beat box into my frozen custard dad would not eat it.

Awwww, heck with it. I'll just eat my frozen custard and then go on the roller coster. Hopefully it won't come back up while I am on the ride. But I can pretty much stomach those things :)

Well, To my dad and all dads out there...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!



Random topic of the night

How long does it usually take you to get ready to go away for extended periods?


First off I'd have to ask myself,
"Magpie, you are going on a extended trip."
"Wait...what? I am?"
"duh" <_<

Ok...let me try this again...
"Magpie, now that you know that you are going on an extended trip, what are you going to pack?"

Well, how the heck did I afford an extended trip? Was I exiled? Oh my goodness...what did I do? Did I offend anyone????? No no I didn't hurt anyone. Maybe I smell. No, I showered. I know I can't afford an extended trip. I went shopping.

When I was shopping I love to walk through the aisles like I am riding in a car. I walk really close the the clothes and I touch every article of clothing that I come across. AND if I see something impressively cool to look at I touch it. I need to feel it. I like to get the full experience. I am kinda like Patrick in that one episode of Spongebob where they go the jellyfish convention. Touching everything. I have to try when I go to the glassware aisle. That is a dangerous place for Magpie. Usually I have someone to steer me away. The other day I was in Target and I saw a chair on display. It was one of those arm chairs. I thought, hm...I have nothing else better to do. So I went to the chair podium thingy and climbed up and sat in the chair. I sat there for a few minutes pondering the comfort level of the chair. Yeah, it wasn't worth it. Not comfortable. It wasn't something that I'd like to curl up and sleep in. So I moved on.

Things that I learned from touching objects in stores:
-If I dress is heavily sequenced then it is most likely very heavy to wear.
-If a shirt looks awesome and I totally want its cuteness yet it feels like sackcloth...it is probably the best bet to pass it up.
-If it says glass...it will break.
-If it says ceramic...it will break...even if it looks cool.
-Not everything that looks plastic is plastic.
-Sometimes mannequin clothing are not secured...it is best to find the clothing on a hanger
-Comfort is in the eye literally.
-Sometimes the mannequin are not bolted to the floor
-Do not run. It is futile
-If something is way out of your league money wise and you really think it is unfair...it is NOT a good idea to wipe your nose in it.

So yeah, because of the above list, I will not be going on any extended trips.

But I guess I could dream that I was going on an extended trip...

Where would I go....
extended trip...means....a long time....I'll say that I am going to Europe. That way if I get kicked out of one country, I could always flee to another. :)

So if I were going to Europe on an extended trip, the first thing I would pack is a toothbrush and some toothpaste :)

Yum. I can't go without brushing my pearly whites...er....yeah. I hate the feeling of plaque on my teeth. I am always afraid that I feel a cavity starting. All I think about is the plaque eating away at the enamel layer of my teeth.

Second thing I would pack is my glasses/contacts. I am as blind as bat. Maybe that is why I feel the need to touch everything. Subconsciously I think that I will lose my glasses/contacts and will need to rely on touch instead of looks. However, I don't rely on looks as of now anyway so I guess touch would not matter. I have a very bad sense of fashion. Jeans and a t-shirt. Or a regular t-shirt with no words if I am going out. Or a tank top. I am plain Jane when it comes to fashion. Ick. But I digress don't I? Ah, heck, I digress no matter what.

What's next....my camera. Can't go anywhere without my camera. I need to take pictures for you folks :)Shampoo and conditioner. My hair needs to look fab for my mug shots in London when I try to get the guards to smile. I won't moon the guards. I am thinking that I can do other things and the guards will smile. Like, talk to them. Must get lonely not talking to anyone. I'd maybe tell them a story of me doing something completely normal to me but not to them and then I'd see the ole' smile. Then I would run around London screaming "I MADE A GUARD SMILE AND YOU DIDN'T HA!" Then I would flee for Ireland :)

Clothing. I figured for underwear I would bring all my holey pairs. that way I don't have to bring them back. I'll just throw them away. More room for all the rocks I want to bring back. But underwear is expensive! Maybe I should just to a patch job and repack them. Or wash them in the bathtub.

One time when I was in a hotel I thought that it would be a good idea to use the Whirlpool bathtub to wash my clothes. I mean it was better than doing it by hand right? So I turned on the water and used the soap and let me clothes get all bubbly. It was great. Until the nice cleaning lady set out the sign: "Please no soap in the jacuzzi"


I think I'd bring sunglasses too. That way when I watch people, no one knows I am staring at them. Creepy? No, I just would rather look at you when you are knowing that I am. Makes you more uncomfortable? Sorry, I am curious.

I would probably bring my hanky too. That way when I run out of EtOH funds I can set out my hanky and do a dance for some loose change in front of musician or something. Seeing as I am such a poor dancer, I am sure that someone will throw some pity cash/coins my way. I hope. That would rock my world.

What am I forgetting....I forgot. I don't know. I am starting to get tired so I will probably end this here.

Good night all, more brownies await my digestion.


BTW, Chesty McNuggets and Midnight Prowler, your nicknames make me smile and laugh, gold star to you two. I didn't think I would get names like when I asked for names.


Hey, do you guys have any questions that you think you'd want me to answer? I'd gladly answer them :)

Would you like some brownies with your workout?


First random question of the day from blogger:
The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?
Hmmmmm. Interesting question. Well I'd first smell it. I mean what if it isn't as terrible as they think? Then I think I'd let it touch my lips. Wait no, if were to touch my lips it might make it harder to drink. I could always mix it with something. However, in school they always told us not to mix medicine with something that might be a favorite drink for a child because then the child won't drink the drink. Seeing that I am pretty much like a child in so many ways I would mix it with beer. I do not like beer. But then, what if it is a contraindication to mix the love potion with the beer. I better just drink it straight. Wait. Do I really need a love potion that tastes terrible? I love people so I do not need any more love. My love grows naturally. Maybe I need a love potion for others to love me?
hmmmm perplexing. I do not think I would want a love potion to make others love me. I would want others to love because I am me. Not because I emit the smell of some nasty tasting love potion. Because soon the love potion will be excreted from my body. Then were would I be? I would have to down another love potion to keep everyone around me. Better to have people like me for who I am. That way when I don't smell good anymore they will still hang around.

Well, I better shot glass that love potion.

I was thinking about my title today. Magpie. How did I come up with that? Well in high school a kid called me Magpie. Then I read what it was. It is a bird. ULTRA COOL! I like birds and how they fly. Sometimes I watch them and think...how cool would it be to fly up there. It would be so awesome to fly away from everything down here sometimes. And then I see one swoop down. And hawks are just totally boss. So huge and majestic! So respected!!! So then I thought I like this name Magpie.

Well today I decided, because I am the nerd I am, I am going to research today on Magpies. So I will compare myself with real life Magpies. NOW TO VENTURE TO THE MOST RELIABLE SITE ON THE PLANET!!! Wikipedia ^.^
By the way: You will get my first thoughts on this pressing issue:
*types in Magpie*
What a pretty little bird!!! So cute and cuddly. I am sure that it eats seeds and stuff. So cute ^_^ Looks just like me :)

Magpies are known to steal other young birds, commonly young chickens, away from
their nests.
<_< align="center">Magpie Poem
One for sorrow.
Two for joy.
Three for a letter.
Four for a boy.
Five for silver.
Six for gold.
Seven for a secret never to be told.

Interesting poem...Actually pretty stupid....I wonder what it means...I'll muse over it tonight.

Today I took a three hour test with 180 questions. Not fun. Almost there to that NCLEX exam. wooo for that. I want it to be done. It means my life can go on. Lol.

I guess I have to tie the title into the post. I am craving brownies right now. Madstyle craving. I want some. I want to bake some. However, I want to also lose 10 lbs...:( What to do what to do?


that is what I am going to make....as soon as this thing is published.
I did a workout today called Cardio Max. Worse workout in the world. I stood there...dazed and confused...everyone's spinning around me.

Up the step, down the step, do a twirl. clap your hands. Kick your foot. Flip over your step. Land on your feet. Repeat! GRAPEVINE!! READY? Go.

:blink: :wacko:

Craziness. I could barely focus on what was going on. I was basically going nuts. I was lucky I didn't fall flat on my face on my step. OR miss the step and go falling over. I felt like everyone was watching me. How did everyone get into the hang of things? They were all in sync. I tried to imagine the group of us from outside my body. I almost laughed outloud. However, I do not think my fellow work outers would appreciate me laughing.

Well, I am off to make some brownies. WHO WANTS SOME!!!

Oh and I thought of something that would be cool.

You all should give me topics to talk about. I promise it will be random. and I will always tell about my day which always proves to be a crazy ride lol

I am scheming....I wonder what I should scheme about....I think I'll try and figure out another way to catch a boy besides a love potion and four magpie.

I wonder how for magpies would bring me a boy. :thinking: Maybe they will carry him on a sheet like drag him over...maybe they have to do something pluck his eyes out like cinderella's step sisters. :( I don't think I'd want my boy's eye's plucked out. I hope that they don't do that. I wouldn't want to practice my mad nursing skills on our first date.

Maybe the will chase him like Jesus_lol's picture. He'll be riding a bike and the birds will come up behind him and just chase him. Oooo...that would be disaterous. Knowing me I won't even notice him and then he'll come crashing into me. I think I will stick with being a lone magpie. Mos Def not a sorrowful one. Just me.

Oh and I forgot to use soap in my laundry. I've been doing laundry well over 10 years now. And I forget to add soap. Who does that??? At least I didn't forget the water. There was one time I forgot the water because I didn't turn on the machine. But laundry means folding and folding means work and I have bownies calling me.

I once invented a Wolder. It was a Washing Folding Dryer. It was pretty boss. Too bad it never flew.

Alright, its peanut butter jelly time...or just brownies :)


PS: to my readers, when you leave a comment could you put your name at the end so that I can see who you are. You can use a fake name if you wish. I just like to put a name instead of anonymous. :)


First Entry!!!!

Here is the first entry...

Ready? Go?

This I hope will be fun for all around. Kinda going off my thread. Make it fun. Make it interesting.

Let me introduce you to my head:

It is like a racquet ball court. Only instead of one ball there is more like a million balls. And they are all flying around like flubber. This flubber balls are my ideas, thoughts, musings, et. al.

I use medical terminology and abbrevations A LOT...I use APA format abbreviations in almost everything. What do you expect for it being beat into me for two years? I get excited about everything medical or everything about the human body. It facinates me to no end.

I like stars and looking at them. Usually this brings about deep thoughts for some. For me it is more like, someday I am going to eat one.

I love peeps. Right now I am dying for one. To eat one. To taste the sugary goodness and let it melt into my mouth and then squish in between my teeth...I guess that was a little TMI. I really need to floss after that.

I am a nurse. Not a registered nurse as of yet but soon to be. June 16th is my NCLEX exam. I am trying to think positively about it so that I pass...you know the think system created by Prof. Herald Hill. That was an awesome musical.

I love to be challenged. I usually challenge myself so that I get motivated. Even if that means that I make up challenges for myself. Like, "Betcha you can't run to that sign and back." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." "Your on!" I win. HA Take that Meg.


So one of my life goals was to get Starbucks to remember my order as I walk in the door. I always thought it was cool that the people knew others drinks.

"Hey! You want the regular?"

Dude, I wanted to be that.

Today, the lady looked at me and said, "Hot brewed...peppermint...room right?" OH MY GOSH I ALMOST DID A JUMPING JACK FOR JOY.

"YES!" I was pretty stoked.

All right, over and out until tomorrow.