Would you like some brownies with your workout?


First random question of the day from blogger:
The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?
Hmmmmm. Interesting question. Well I'd first smell it. I mean what if it isn't as terrible as they think? Then I think I'd let it touch my lips. Wait no, if were to touch my lips it might make it harder to drink. I could always mix it with something. However, in school they always told us not to mix medicine with something that might be a favorite drink for a child because then the child won't drink the drink. Seeing that I am pretty much like a child in so many ways I would mix it with beer. I do not like beer. But then, what if it is a contraindication to mix the love potion with the beer. I better just drink it straight. Wait. Do I really need a love potion that tastes terrible? I love people so I do not need any more love. My love grows naturally. Maybe I need a love potion for others to love me?
hmmmm perplexing. I do not think I would want a love potion to make others love me. I would want others to love because I am me. Not because I emit the smell of some nasty tasting love potion. Because soon the love potion will be excreted from my body. Then were would I be? I would have to down another love potion to keep everyone around me. Better to have people like me for who I am. That way when I don't smell good anymore they will still hang around.

Well, I better shot glass that love potion.

I was thinking about my title today. Magpie. How did I come up with that? Well in high school a kid called me Magpie. Then I read what it was. It is a bird. ULTRA COOL! I like birds and how they fly. Sometimes I watch them and think...how cool would it be to fly up there. It would be so awesome to fly away from everything down here sometimes. And then I see one swoop down. And hawks are just totally boss. So huge and majestic! So respected!!! So then I thought I like this name Magpie.

Well today I decided, because I am the nerd I am, I am going to research today on Magpies. So I will compare myself with real life Magpies. NOW TO VENTURE TO THE MOST RELIABLE SITE ON THE PLANET!!! Wikipedia ^.^
By the way: You will get my first thoughts on this pressing issue:
*types in Magpie*
What a pretty little bird!!! So cute and cuddly. I am sure that it eats seeds and stuff. So cute ^_^ Looks just like me :)

Magpies are known to steal other young birds, commonly young chickens, away from
their nests.
<_< align="center">Magpie Poem
One for sorrow.
Two for joy.
Three for a letter.
Four for a boy.
Five for silver.
Six for gold.
Seven for a secret never to be told.

Interesting poem...Actually pretty stupid....I wonder what it means...I'll muse over it tonight.

Today I took a three hour test with 180 questions. Not fun. Almost there to that NCLEX exam. wooo for that. I want it to be done. It means my life can go on. Lol.

I guess I have to tie the title into the post. I am craving brownies right now. Madstyle craving. I want some. I want to bake some. However, I want to also lose 10 lbs...:( What to do what to do?


that is what I am going to make....as soon as this thing is published.
I did a workout today called Cardio Max. Worse workout in the world. I stood there...dazed and confused...everyone's spinning around me.

Up the step, down the step, do a twirl. clap your hands. Kick your foot. Flip over your step. Land on your feet. Repeat! GRAPEVINE!! READY? Go.

:blink: :wacko:

Craziness. I could barely focus on what was going on. I was basically going nuts. I was lucky I didn't fall flat on my face on my step. OR miss the step and go falling over. I felt like everyone was watching me. How did everyone get into the hang of things? They were all in sync. I tried to imagine the group of us from outside my body. I almost laughed outloud. However, I do not think my fellow work outers would appreciate me laughing.

Well, I am off to make some brownies. WHO WANTS SOME!!!

Oh and I thought of something that would be cool.

You all should give me topics to talk about. I promise it will be random. and I will always tell about my day which always proves to be a crazy ride lol

I am scheming....I wonder what I should scheme about....I think I'll try and figure out another way to catch a boy besides a love potion and four magpie.

I wonder how for magpies would bring me a boy. :thinking: Maybe they will carry him on a sheet like drag him over...maybe they have to do something pluck his eyes out like cinderella's step sisters. :( I don't think I'd want my boy's eye's plucked out. I hope that they don't do that. I wouldn't want to practice my mad nursing skills on our first date.

Maybe the will chase him like Jesus_lol's picture. He'll be riding a bike and the birds will come up behind him and just chase him. Oooo...that would be disaterous. Knowing me I won't even notice him and then he'll come crashing into me. I think I will stick with being a lone magpie. Mos Def not a sorrowful one. Just me.

Oh and I forgot to use soap in my laundry. I've been doing laundry well over 10 years now. And I forget to add soap. Who does that??? At least I didn't forget the water. There was one time I forgot the water because I didn't turn on the machine. But laundry means folding and folding means work and I have bownies calling me.

I once invented a Wolder. It was a Washing Folding Dryer. It was pretty boss. Too bad it never flew.

Alright, its peanut butter jelly time...or just brownies :)


PS: to my readers, when you leave a comment could you put your name at the end so that I can see who you are. You can use a fake name if you wish. I just like to put a name instead of anonymous. :)



Anonymous said...

Great post Meg. I enjoy brownies and the Magpie is one of my favorite species of birds

Anonymous said...

magpies make me hungry

Jeffery said...

Wikipedia is like the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. All it needs is "Don't Panic" in nice big letters somewhere on the back of that site.

Anonymous said...


Canan eoy