So yes, as you can see, this post is dedicated to a dear love of my life coffee. Among other things like family, friends, God, mannequins, dedication, patience, loyalty et. al, Coffee has helped me through some real tough times. I am deeply in debt to those who served me coffee. I am obliged to mention companies that provided me with my fix TID and PRN. You all really rock my socks.

Coffee has become one of my best friends. During school, when I would get very little hours of sleep due to studies, and um, studies, coffee would be a constant companion.

During my Med/Surg Nursing class, we would get a 10 minute break. During this break, I would go to get my delicious coffee at school. At first it became just something to keep me occupied during class. Then it became a habit. I would actually pay before class just so that I had it quickly without waiting in line to pay. Linda, I believe that was her name, was my savior-ess. She always knew what I needed. There was one time when there were no more big coffee cups left. I began to feel my hands head ache and pound....wait! what was that running across the room??? Some dark black figure! Am I hallucinating? Yes, a classic case of coffee DT's. Linda then from behind the desk pulled out a large coffee cup for me to fill. There were times when I did not have the change to pay for my coffee. Linda was there to cover for me. I would always manage to give the money she needed the next day but she helped me out when I really needed it.

Coffee during school kept me going when my mind and body said no more. My professors always said that a sleep deprived, caffeine fueled mind would never do well on exams, assignments or anything for that matter. However, it was the only way that I could stay up to study for the exams to complete the various assignments: papers, portfolios, posters, concept maps et. al.

Starbucks was really the best. No, World. You do not need to get $5.00 coffees every morning. I could never afford that. I got my cheap drink every day I knew I'd need to do a 35.67892 hour day. Venti Hot Brewed coffee (preferably a bold flavor) two pumps peppermint, one shot (which actually came out to 2. I would get one free because they have to make 2 at a time. Thy just asked if I wanted the extra one.) and room (for cream). All for $2.14. There are two girls that I am indebted to at the local Starbucks. The one was the first person ever to memorize my drink. She rocked my day. My goal in life complete, "train" a Starbucks worker to memorize my order. She was so totally awesome. The second one, I want to say her name is Elizabeth but I know I am wrong, also has my drink memorized. She sold me my first coffee mug thingy. And she recognizes me even if I miss a week or two. She is awesome. Both of these ladies will never know how much they helped me through my day. Starbucks was a definite staple for me during the school year. Even on the way home from clinicals, my friend and I would stop to get something.

Dunkin' Donuts coffee also was what I'd drink on the way to the hospital for work and clinical. Along with school I'd work on weekends at a hospital near by. On the way was a Dunkin' Donuts. I'd get an X-Large coffee to drink on the way. Even now, Dunkin' Donuts wishes me good day for my drive into work.

So here is to you coffee givers and takers...a poem....of love.....for you:

Coffee Coffee! You are so sweet.
You have given me pleasure and glee!
Without you my day is incomplete
And I can be likened to a banshee.

My addiction is true,
My love is intense,
I cannot quit you,
My devotion is too immense.

When my days are tired and long,
It is you that I do find.
You are bold and strong,
And get me through the grind.

Not one day can I miss,
For my head will ache,
And will persist,
Until your sweetness I take.

Dehydration, ulcers, hypertension,
are definitely worth it all.
Our love is on another dimension,
You have me in thrall.

For the future , I swear,
Despite doctor's command,
We will always be a pair,
For you I will stand.

In other news besides obvious sleep deprivation, I have decided to join the National Novel Writing Month contest. It should prove to be a hoot. I have to write a 175 page novel with 50,000 words in the month of November. I believe that it will be exciting to try to win. They say that I really should just write and write and not worry about doing editing. I am an editing freak. I hope that I can do this without going back and reading through it. Spell Check is a must with me and so is rereading everything I write. Most of the time. I hope that I will do well in this contest. I'll keep you updated. It starts on November 1.

Here is the website :)

I'm out!


Anonymous said...

Yes! It begins in 12 days. I realized over the past year that my primary office had become located in the local coffeehouse. The quiet music and the yummy drinkage (and the potty after drinking all that coffee) are all that I need.

Anonymous said...

Thanks :) You look pretty boss in that black hat yourself. Combine the hat with the killer dance moves, you could easily rock the casbah.

Say... what will you be writing about? Horror? Adventure? Mystery? Or a potpourri? I'm intrigued.

Anonymous said...

It's an espionage-action thriller, and I listed it at NaNoWriMo as an adventure. It takes place in Grand Rapids, and it involves a few people that launch an independent newspaper.

A young man and his older brother and younger (15-year-old) sister, with help from some close friends, stand up to fight some very bad people. The weapon of choice is the 4th Estate.