Liquid or Powder Foundation?

So I am not partial to makeup. I actually just started wearing makeup regularly. I have no problem going out without makeup. I think I look better with makeup but it is such a hassle sometimes to put on.

However there is a unspoken rule of girldom which states: It is required to wear makeup if you are born a girl. It is your doomdom/destiny/curse whatever.

Today, some people tried to over me some make up from some fancy dancy person who makes make up.

"Excuse me ma'am, are you wearing make up?"
*horror face on the woman ensues" "Do you EVER wear make up?
Ok, so I lied....I do wear makeup! I really do...sometimes. When I am not

The first time I wore make up was in high school. I know I know. I was a late bloomer. I didn't really care. Until I saw a picture of my stupid shiny forehead. I started to wear makeup.

I recently started wearing makeup when I went into a store and they said, “Would you like your makeup done? It will only take 5 minutes. And it will be no cost.”

How the heck do you pass up that opportunity? Free? LOL sign me up.

So I sat in this chair and the lady asks, “What is your makeup routine.”

*wait...routine? You mean there is a routine??? Quick, Magpie, make something up!*
“Um…I wash my face.”

“I mean what do you do for makeup.”
“Nothing. I just wash my face and I am set for the day.”
“Oh….” She’s probably thinking, “I have a lot of work to do.”
I told her I don’t want to look fake. I was not born with blue eyelids, I’d rather not have blue eyelids. I was not born with Cleopatra eyes and would rather not have them. I didn’t say it that way I used the classic term: “I would like a natural look.” Makeup talk. J

Ok so she did my makeup and then asked me, “Will you use this…will you use that.” Well we got to the eye liner part. Ok, I don’t do eyeliner. Ever. Never ever. With my luck the pencil will be IN my eye. “Ok, for eyeliner….” “Oh wait…I can’t do eyeliner.” “Why not?” Obviously, she doesn’t know me. “I will poke my eye out.” Again, the face. The face I get whenever I say I don’t wear makeup. The face of horror. The face of oh my gosh how do you live with yourself. OK, it wasn’t that bad. She laughed and then said, “You HAVE to promise me you’ll wear mascara though. You have beautiful lashes.” “Um, ok *fingers cross*.” I have no problem with mascara except my eyelashes look like I am going the sleezy look. I think it is just that she put too much on. When I do it now, it is a bit better.

Ok so my make up:

What is there really to talk about it? Hmmm....tinted moisturizer, then bronzer, then eye concealer then blush then eye shadow that is pinkish so it isn't all OUT THERE and then mascara...optionally.

The woman says it makes my eyes pop. Ok? :unsure: Scary.

Mom says that I should curl my eyelashes. Now my eyelashes are super long. Not obnoxiously long but long. Have you ever seen an eyelash curler? It looks like a torture device. I never wanted to put that thing anywhere near my body let alone my eye. And then they have heated ones. Holy Cow, it is ridiculous. Make so nervous. I thought I was going to pull my eyelid off.

Well before my makeup I look like this:

After I look like this:

Ok I don't look THAT creepy with makeup.

I look more like this:

or this:

Pretty no?

Ok so make up is not for me.

End of Story.


1 comment:

Catherine said...

I LOVE this post.

And totally relate.

I don't own make up. O.o <--- that face. LOL.

yay us! haha

btw, the little confirm who you are button thing is lxaxpres... I totally read it as laxitive press... *oy vey